characters (2-3)
crying baby / Superman / Alex / Harry Potter / mother / Phyllis / ABCman/
time (2)
noon / midnight / after the typhoon / 2nd December / 2005 / 7:30pm / when the baby cries
venue (2)
swimming pool / under the bed / between two teeth / on the computer screen / garden / underground / airport / aquarium
emotions (1-2)
jealous / excited / bored / amazed / interested / scared / angry / sad / nervous / amused

In the midnight there was a typhoon coming to Hong Kong, and everyone was preparing for it. Harry Potter’s family was hard working and no time to prepare for the typhoon.

Suddenly, a man called ABCman and flew in the sky and shouted, “I ought to help the people, the typhoon is so big!” He used “A” to made the typhoon shop, then, he used “B” to push the typhoon out of the world, finally used “C” to made it disappeared in the sky. He has power like superman but superman was sleeping at that time. “Hi what, is you name?” a reporter asked. When ABCman when to tell, superman said, “Go out now!” Then, ABCman was gone out. When ABCman went back home, Harry Potter saw him and said, “Hi! I am Harry Potter!” ABCman said, “What happen?” “Five witches are in the school near the Ocean Park.” “Ok! I will kill them next Saturday.”
Saturday, five witches were no things to do and they went to Ocean Park. Then ABCman went to Ocean Park too. So he ran after them. The witches knew ABCman was run after them and made ABCman became a frog. Superman knew this thing, so he help the ABCman became a man again. The witches were so sad, because they gave Harry Potter order to kill ABCman.
Finally, ABCman and superman used super “D” to kill the Harry Potter. From then on, ABCman do not go out now because not bad things in Hong Kong.

Non-linear writing - amended by Phyllis

When I am reading the frontpage of the newspaper this morning…
Hong Kong News Sunday 20-5-2008
Alex Law Chun Yin, private detective, solved a murder case…

“It’s me!” I shout. I know this case. It went like this…

When I had lunch in a restaurant last Saturday, there was a man shouting in the bathroom, “Help! Help!” But I did not know what happen. Afterwards, a child went into the bathroom and screamed, “A man died in the bathroom!” When I heard him, I was very shocked and ran into the bathroom. I saw a man stabbed by a knife. I asked all the people not to go out of the restaurant because I thought the killer had not escaped. We all waited for the policemen.

After two minutes, four policemen saw the dead body and ordered, “Everybody please give your bags to me one by one and open them,” When a man saw the police, he said, “I wanna go to the public toilet!” And he ran away. When the policemen opened his bag, I saw that there were a lot of drugs. When the police saw the drugs, they thought the man was a doctor. But I ran after him and shouted, “You are the killer, because the victim knew you have lots of drugs and you killed him.”

Finally, my assistant caught him and called 999. After this case, I became a super-detective.


Non-linear writing

When I am reading the frontpage of the newspaper this morning…Hong Kong News Sunday 20-5-2008Alex Law Chun Yin, private detective, solved the murder case…“It’s me!” I shout. I know this case. It is about this…
When I had a lunch in restaurant, the W.C had a man shouted “Help! Help!” But I do not know what happen. After a child went to the W.C and said “A man died in the W.C!” When I heard, I was very amazed and ran into the W.C, I saw a man died by a knife. I order all the people don’t go out the restaurant because I thought the killer did not run out. I order all the people stayed in the restaurant and waited the policemen. After two minutes, four policemen saw a man died and shouted “Give your entire bag to me and open it,” After one and one. When a man saw the police, he said “I want to go to W.C!” and run away. When the policemen open his bag, I saw there are many poisons. When they police saw it, they thought the man was a doctor. But I ran after the man and shouted “You are the killer, because the man knew you have many poisons so you kill the man.” Finally, my assistant caught him and called 999. After this case, I can became a supper detective.

NON-LINEAR writing

Write a story based on one or more of the following themes:

  1. jealousy
  2. revenge
  3. mystery
  4. regret



  • past -- present -- future
  • detective
  • investigate the case
  • murderer / killer
  • suspect
  • evidence
  • clue
  • murder weapon (gun, knife, poison, rope, stone)
  • other ways of killing (drowning, suffocating, burning, strangling)
  • jail
  • handcuffs
  • assistant
  • crime

Alex disappeared! - amended by Phyllis

I woke up this morning and went out to get the newspaper at the door. The front page had my picture on it and the headline wrote:


I read on:

"Alex should be back from school yesterday at 5pm, but he wasn’t. His family was now searching for him.” I was shocked. I was home and I had not disappeared!

When I went into the bathroom, I saw that the child in the mirror had a blue face. “It’s me!” I shouted loudly. Then I went to school and asked, “Where is Alex?” The other children thought I had died in Ocean Park’s shark aquarium, because the witches had used sharks to kill us.

I was very angry, because I thought it was them again. They must have used the magic sweets to make me become a blue child. I ought to revenge. Then, I went back home. But my family shouted, "You are NOT Alex!" I was so sad and cried, "Witches I ought to kill you, if I can't kill you then I am not ALEX! Make me an ordinary person!" When I thought and thought, “I am small now, after 10 years, I will kill you!”

In 2028, I went to the school to find the witches and yelled, "If you don't make me an ordinary person, I will kill you!"

The witches made me go back to 2008 and I became an ordinary child again.


Alex Disappeared

I woke up this morning and went out to get the newspaper at the door. The front page wrote had my picture on it and the headline wrote:


Alex should be coming back from school yesterday at 5pm, but he hadn’t. His family are now searching for him.

I was shocked. I am home and I haven’t disappeared!

When I went to the bathroom, I saw the child in the mirror had a blue face, “It is me!” I shouted loudly. Then I went to school and said, “Where is Alex?” The other children thought I died in the Ocean Park in the shark aquarium, because the witches used the shark to kill us. I was very angry, because I thought the use the magic sweet to make me became a blue child. I ought to revenge. Then, I went to me home. But my family shout "You are no ALEX!" I was so sad and said "Witches I ought to kill you, If I can't kill you then I am no ALEX,make me became I ordinary person!"
2038, I went to the school to find the witches and said "If you don't make me become a ordinary person, I will kill you!"
The witches made me went to 2008 and I became an ordinary child again.

American Election - amended by Phyllis

When I heard that Obama was elected the American president, I was very happy. I think Iraqis and Americans will be happy too because they do not want to fight with each other. I have this dream of world peace too. When George W. Bush became the president of USA in 2000, he ordered the USA army to fight Iraq and McCain thought the same. But Obama said, “Change!” He meant people should not fight with each other, so I think Obama is a good president.


When I hear the USA premier is Obama, I was very happy. Iraq people and USA people was happy to because did not want to fight with each other, so I has this to dream. 2000years, when Bush, George W. became premier, he order USA rank fight Iraq and McCain dream sane. But Obama always said “turn!”that mean don’s fight with each other, so I think Obama is a good premier.


Write your feelings towards the American election and the victory of Obama.
2nd November, 2008 sunny and hot

Today is a bad day for me. I saw five witches at my school.

The five witches looked so polite and always gave us some sweets. Since they never torture us, they used sweets to make you become a blue kid. If you didn’t want to become a blue kid, you have to learn how to see them. If the women’s eyes are purple and they are bald, that means they are witches. All witches have long nails, so they wear gloves.

Today when I went to school, I saw five teachers hanging around the school gate and giving us some sweets. I wanted to take the sweets, but I saw the teachers had purple eyes. Their hair looked like threads and they had long nails, so I didn’t take the sweets. After lunch, the five teachers took my class to the music room. Suddenly, I heard them speaking softly, “I can use them to release my anger.” I heard these words and politely asked, “Can I go to the W.C., please?” She said, “Ok!” Then I ran away. I was scared to go to school!I think I ought to call 999!


1. What were you doing?
2. How did the witch come to you?
3. What did she look like?
4. Did you know she was a witch?
5. Where had she taken you?
6. Were you in any danger?
7. How did you escape?

2nd November, 2008 sunny and hot Today is a bad day for me. I saw five witches at my school. They looked so polite and always gave yousome sweets. Since they never torture you, they used sweets to make you becomea blue kid. If you didn’t want to become a blue kid, if the eyes ispurple and bald, that means she is a witches. you have to learn how to see them. The witches have long nails, so they wear gloves.
Today when I went to school, I saw five teachers stayed in the school door and gave us some sweets. After lunch, five teacher take my class to music room. Shuddery, I heard she speak softly “I can use them to vent,” I heard this words and said “Can I go to W.C, please?” She said “Ok!” Then I ran away. I was worry to go to school!
I think I ought to call 999!