Alex disappeared! - amended by Phyllis

I woke up this morning and went out to get the newspaper at the door. The front page had my picture on it and the headline wrote:


I read on:

"Alex should be back from school yesterday at 5pm, but he wasn’t. His family was now searching for him.” I was shocked. I was home and I had not disappeared!

When I went into the bathroom, I saw that the child in the mirror had a blue face. “It’s me!” I shouted loudly. Then I went to school and asked, “Where is Alex?” The other children thought I had died in Ocean Park’s shark aquarium, because the witches had used sharks to kill us.

I was very angry, because I thought it was them again. They must have used the magic sweets to make me become a blue child. I ought to revenge. Then, I went back home. But my family shouted, "You are NOT Alex!" I was so sad and cried, "Witches I ought to kill you, if I can't kill you then I am not ALEX! Make me an ordinary person!" When I thought and thought, “I am small now, after 10 years, I will kill you!”

In 2028, I went to the school to find the witches and yelled, "If you don't make me an ordinary person, I will kill you!"

The witches made me go back to 2008 and I became an ordinary child again.

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