A life-changing day

Broke --- (he was broke)
Won eight Olympic gold medals

Before: poor, no one knows me, laugh at me
After: rich, famous, strong, my country, respect me
Sport: swimming (breast stroke 400m, freestyle200m, back stroke 100m, 4x100 relay)
Alex: serious, poor, tough, 17
Coach(dad): strong, stern, National team:

The day: competition

My first memory

It was my first time to go outside the kindergarten when I was 4 years old. We had a barbecue because I needed to join extra-curricular activities. Our teachers helped us to cook the food. There were fishballs, chicken wings and sausages.

Before we ate the food, I talked to my best friends what games we would play afterwards. We decided to play UNO. I ate the sausages and fishballs first. Finally, I ate the chicken wings happily and they were very yummy. Then, our teachers taught me how to cook the food. It was my first barbecue!