Old family albums

1. Find an old picture of yourself which was taken in the happiest moment of your life.
2. Tell me why you would choose to be that child in the picture again.

Questions to think about:
a. What year was it?
b. What were you doing in that period? (e.g. you were in kindergarten)
c. What were you doing in the picture?
d. How did you look like?
e. What was your life like during that period?
f. Why would you like to revisit that period?

My Very Own Shop (amended by Phyllis)

Japanese Shop

The shop will be a Japanese shop called “COME Japan”. It will be in Causeway Bay. It will be like SOGO, but this shop will have ten themes. The themes will be forest, ocean, boats, car, music, sky, toy, ball, food and airplane. There will be a butterfly house and a castle house. The staff will dress up as cartoon characters. It will be open 24/7. We can use flyers, posters and emails to promote the shop. The main colour for the decoration will be green. The entrance fee will only be $5.