Story about a revolution 革命.

  • fight against 反對
  • dissatisfied with 不滿意
  • violence 暴力
  • government 政府
  • leader 領袖
  • fail 失敗
  • tear bomb 催淚彈+
  • rubber bullet 橡皮子彈
  • bamboo
  • motorbike 小型摩托車
  • lorry 貨車
  • riot 騷亂
  • rioter 暴民
  • suppress 鎮壓
  • president 總統
  • the military 軍方

The Invisible cloak- amended

In 2010, scientists from Germany and England invented a cloak that could make anything smaller than hair invisible. Now, scientist Wong Chun Yin from Hong Kong has invented an invisible cloak which could make people invisible. Many people wanted to get it. Alex the Pirate sent an e-mail to Mr. Wong, writes Maggie Wong.

Mr. Wong became famous now and he became the world’s richest man. His assistant, Jacky, became rich too, but he was not famous. He was very angry about it, and wanted to kill his boss, Mr. Wong, but Mr. Wong had many security guards and he had two bodyguards. So Jacky could only steal the invisible cloak. He was in fact Alex the pirate.

He was a thief and the police could not catch him. He was very friendly and kind, so he gave all the treasures he stole to the poor people. He was very quick and stole one hundred and fifty-two treasures in ten minutes. For example, Blue Sky Jewel from England in 1879 and bracelet from Egypt in 1387. He used a mask to hide his face. Although he was a thief, he was a very kind person.

He stole the invisible cloak, because he wanted to give it to Harry Potter's author, J.K. Rowling. She had got cancer and he wanted to fulfill her dream. He was going to steal the invisible cloak at Mr. Wong’s house.

He brought a bottle of red wine and wanted to make Mr. Wong drunk so that he could steal easily. When Mr. Wong became drunk, Jacky left his house and stayed at the door of the house. Jacky used a rope to climb into Mr. Wong’s window.

Jacky saw the invisible cloak in the bedroom. He saw a man going in the room, Jacky thought he looked very familiar. Jacky used the invisible cloak to hide himself. Suddenly, Jacky knew who the man was-- he was the police chief. He was Mr. Wong’s brother, because he saw their photo in that room. He was very surprised and he left quickly. Jacky went to England and gave the invisible cloak to J.K. Rowling.

After two months, J.K. Rowling died and Jacky helped cover her with the invisible cloak. She chose cremation, and the invisible cloak never left J.K Rowling.