Non-linear writing

When I am reading the frontpage of the newspaper this morning…Hong Kong News Sunday 20-5-2008Alex Law Chun Yin, private detective, solved the murder case…“It’s me!” I shout. I know this case. It is about this…
When I had a lunch in restaurant, the W.C had a man shouted “Help! Help!” But I do not know what happen. After a child went to the W.C and said “A man died in the W.C!” When I heard, I was very amazed and ran into the W.C, I saw a man died by a knife. I order all the people don’t go out the restaurant because I thought the killer did not run out. I order all the people stayed in the restaurant and waited the policemen. After two minutes, four policemen saw a man died and shouted “Give your entire bag to me and open it,” After one and one. When a man saw the police, he said “I want to go to W.C!” and run away. When the policemen open his bag, I saw there are many poisons. When they police saw it, they thought the man was a doctor. But I ran after the man and shouted “You are the killer, because the man knew you have many poisons so you kill the man.” Finally, my assistant caught him and called 999. After this case, I can became a supper detective.

NON-LINEAR writing

Write a story based on one or more of the following themes:

  1. jealousy
  2. revenge
  3. mystery
  4. regret



  • past -- present -- future
  • detective
  • investigate the case
  • murderer / killer
  • suspect
  • evidence
  • clue
  • murder weapon (gun, knife, poison, rope, stone)
  • other ways of killing (drowning, suffocating, burning, strangling)
  • jail
  • handcuffs
  • assistant
  • crime

Alex disappeared! - amended by Phyllis

I woke up this morning and went out to get the newspaper at the door. The front page had my picture on it and the headline wrote:


I read on:

"Alex should be back from school yesterday at 5pm, but he wasn’t. His family was now searching for him.” I was shocked. I was home and I had not disappeared!

When I went into the bathroom, I saw that the child in the mirror had a blue face. “It’s me!” I shouted loudly. Then I went to school and asked, “Where is Alex?” The other children thought I had died in Ocean Park’s shark aquarium, because the witches had used sharks to kill us.

I was very angry, because I thought it was them again. They must have used the magic sweets to make me become a blue child. I ought to revenge. Then, I went back home. But my family shouted, "You are NOT Alex!" I was so sad and cried, "Witches I ought to kill you, if I can't kill you then I am not ALEX! Make me an ordinary person!" When I thought and thought, “I am small now, after 10 years, I will kill you!”

In 2028, I went to the school to find the witches and yelled, "If you don't make me an ordinary person, I will kill you!"

The witches made me go back to 2008 and I became an ordinary child again.