A Story About Bullying

audition: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODAzNDcxNTY=.html

Write a story based on this true event -- either BEFORE the audition of Britain's Got Talent, AFTER, or BEFORE + AFTER.

Write from the point-of-view of either:
1. Andrew Johnston
2. one of the bullies
3. an outsider (a classmate, a teacher, a parent, a friend in the choir, etc)

think about:
1. are you and Andrew close friends?
2. how did you and Andrew feel and react to the bullying before the show?
3. why did he enter the competition?
4. did you encourage him?
5. did he feel a lot of pressure at the competition?
6. how did he overcome his fears?
7. did his life change after the show? how?
8. did the bullies change after the show?
9. have you changed after the show? have you learnt anything?

WRITE at least 350 words.

Son and Father - amended by Phyllis

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Ben. His father always hit him. He was very angry and thought, “If I could be the father, I could hit my father!”

One day, when he went into the forest, he saw an elf flying in the sky happily. He said, “It I could be the father, I could…” Suddenly, the elf said, “I can help you, child!”

It became dark and Ben could not see anything. He suddenly wanted to sleep and he fainted. When he got up, he became his father and his father became his son. Ben was very happy and said, “I can hit my father!”

When he went back home, he saw a child sitting in a chair. Suddenly, a man called Tom came to his home. He was a friend of Ben’s father. His father was a life guard at a swimming pool, and he knew Tom there. He said to me, “Why don’t you come to the pool? Come quickly!”

When Ben went to the swimming pool, he explained, “I don’t know how to swim!” In the evening, he was very hungry. Since his mother was not at home, he did not know how to cook.

He cried, “Sorry! Father, can you help me?” Suddenly, it became dark again and they could not see anything. Ben turned back as a child and his father back as a father.

Ben said, “Sorry, father! I love you!” And they lived happily ever after!

Once upon a time, there was a person called Ben. He was very angry and thought, “If I can be the father, I can hit my father!” because his father always hit him.

One day, when he go to the forest, he saw a small person flew in the sky happily. He said, “ It I can be the father, I could…” Suddenly, the small person said, “I can help you child!”

The sky became dark and could not saw anything. When Ben got up, he became a father and his father became his son. Ben was very happy and said, “I can hit my father!”

When He went back he saw a child sat in the chair. Suddenly, a man called Tom, he was Ben’s father friend. When his father worked in the swimming pool, they became friends. He said too me, “Why do you don’t come to the swimming pool? Quick come!”

When Ben went to the swimming pool, he said, “I don’t know how the swim!” In the evening, he was very hungry. Since his mother not at home, he could not know how to cook.

He cried and said, “Sorry! Father can you help me?” Suddenly, the sky became dark and could not see anything again. Ben became a child and his father became a father too.

Ben said, “Sorry father! I love you!”