A Story About Bullying

audition: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODAzNDcxNTY=.html

Write a story based on this true event -- either BEFORE the audition of Britain's Got Talent, AFTER, or BEFORE + AFTER.

Write from the point-of-view of either:
1. Andrew Johnston
2. one of the bullies
3. an outsider (a classmate, a teacher, a parent, a friend in the choir, etc)

think about:
1. are you and Andrew close friends?
2. how did you and Andrew feel and react to the bullying before the show?
3. why did he enter the competition?
4. did you encourage him?
5. did he feel a lot of pressure at the competition?
6. how did he overcome his fears?
7. did his life change after the show? how?
8. did the bullies change after the show?
9. have you changed after the show? have you learnt anything?

WRITE at least 350 words.

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