characters (2-3)
crying baby / Superman / Alex / Harry Potter / mother / Phyllis / ABCman/
time (2)
noon / midnight / after the typhoon / 2nd December / 2005 / 7:30pm / when the baby cries
venue (2)
swimming pool / under the bed / between two teeth / on the computer screen / garden / underground / airport / aquarium
emotions (1-2)
jealous / excited / bored / amazed / interested / scared / angry / sad / nervous / amused

In the midnight there was a typhoon coming to Hong Kong, and everyone was preparing for it. Harry Potter’s family was hard working and no time to prepare for the typhoon.

Suddenly, a man called ABCman and flew in the sky and shouted, “I ought to help the people, the typhoon is so big!” He used “A” to made the typhoon shop, then, he used “B” to push the typhoon out of the world, finally used “C” to made it disappeared in the sky. He has power like superman but superman was sleeping at that time. “Hi what, is you name?” a reporter asked. When ABCman when to tell, superman said, “Go out now!” Then, ABCman was gone out. When ABCman went back home, Harry Potter saw him and said, “Hi! I am Harry Potter!” ABCman said, “What happen?” “Five witches are in the school near the Ocean Park.” “Ok! I will kill them next Saturday.”
Saturday, five witches were no things to do and they went to Ocean Park. Then ABCman went to Ocean Park too. So he ran after them. The witches knew ABCman was run after them and made ABCman became a frog. Superman knew this thing, so he help the ABCman became a man again. The witches were so sad, because they gave Harry Potter order to kill ABCman.
Finally, ABCman and superman used super “D” to kill the Harry Potter. From then on, ABCman do not go out now because not bad things in Hong Kong.

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