3 endings

Pick one of the three endings:

1. At the end, I found that it was stupid to fight with each other. I called him and apologized, but he never answered. I have lost this friend forever.

2. He could not believe what he saw, but there’s no way he could change the ending anymore.

3. The next morning, he opened the box and found that it was empty. He could not believe he was being fooled.

Story of bullying - amended by Phyllis

Andrew Johnston is my best friend. But a student in my class did not like him. He always bullied him -- hit him, scolded him, made fun of him, so he was very unhappy. He always cried in class, so the bully disliked him more.

The bully had many bad friends. One day, when Andrew and I went to school together, the bully and his bad friends saw us and said, “Who is the best singer in our class? Andrew Johnston, but he is a girl!” I shouted angrily, “Someone is not good at singing. He is a bully and a bad student in our class!” The bully hit me and Andrew. I wanted to hit him, but Andrew said softly, “No, we cannot win him in fighting!”

After a few days, Andrew entered a competition. It was called “Britain’s Got Talent”. I wanted him to win the competition. But the bully said cunningly, “You cannot win. You are the worst singer in our school!”

Andrew was sad but he did not give up. He went to the competition and sang “Pie Jesu”. Everyone cried for him and I cried too. I wanted him to win the competition. Although he lost at the end, he was happier than before.

Although the bully did not like him, he said, “You are the best singer in our school, sorry, can you forgive me?”Andrew was happy and said, “ Yes, of course!”

This is the road which can change his life. I think he can be the best singer when he grows up.

Although I am not his best friend, I want him to have more than one friends to play with him, sing with him...

Andrew, you will be the best singer. When you grow up, I will buy your records.

Andrew Johnston

Andrew Johnston is my best friend. But the student in my class who did not like him. He always bully to Andrew Johnston. Such as fright him, dress down him, to embarrass him, so he was very unhappy. He always cried in the lesson, so the bullies more unlike him.

The bullies have many bad friends. One day, when we went to school together, the bullies and his bad friends saw us and said, “Who are the best singer in our class-Andrew Johnston, but he is a girl!” I shouted angry, “Who are not good at sing, he is a bullies and he is a bad student in our class!” The bullies hit me and Andrew Johnston. I wanted to hit him, but Andrew Johnston said softly, “No, we can hit to them, we can win them!”

After few days, he entered a competition. It called Britain Got Talent Show. I wanted him win the competition. But the bullies said cunningly, “You can not win the competition. You are the bad person in our school of singing!”

Andrew Johnston was sad but he did not abandon. He went to the competition place. He sings the AMDEW UOHMSTOH. Everyone cried for him and me too. I want him to win the competition. Although he lose the competition but he was happier hen before.

Although the bullies did not like him, he said, “You are the best singer in our school, sorry, can you forgive me?Andrew Johnston was happy and said, Yes of course!

This is the road which can change his life. I thing he can be a best singer when Andrew Johnston grow up.

Although I am not the best friend with him, but I want him look like this story the end. I want Andrew Johnston have more than one friends to play with you, sing with you...

Andrew Johnston, you are the best singer, when you grow up, I will buy a phonograph record about you song.



A Story About Bullying

audition: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODAzNDcxNTY=.html

Write a story based on this true event -- either BEFORE the audition of Britain's Got Talent, AFTER, or BEFORE + AFTER.

Write from the point-of-view of either:
1. Andrew Johnston
2. one of the bullies
3. an outsider (a classmate, a teacher, a parent, a friend in the choir, etc)

think about:
1. are you and Andrew close friends?
2. how did you and Andrew feel and react to the bullying before the show?
3. why did he enter the competition?
4. did you encourage him?
5. did he feel a lot of pressure at the competition?
6. how did he overcome his fears?
7. did his life change after the show? how?
8. did the bullies change after the show?
9. have you changed after the show? have you learnt anything?

WRITE at least 350 words.

Son and Father - amended by Phyllis

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Ben. His father always hit him. He was very angry and thought, “If I could be the father, I could hit my father!”

One day, when he went into the forest, he saw an elf flying in the sky happily. He said, “It I could be the father, I could…” Suddenly, the elf said, “I can help you, child!”

It became dark and Ben could not see anything. He suddenly wanted to sleep and he fainted. When he got up, he became his father and his father became his son. Ben was very happy and said, “I can hit my father!”

When he went back home, he saw a child sitting in a chair. Suddenly, a man called Tom came to his home. He was a friend of Ben’s father. His father was a life guard at a swimming pool, and he knew Tom there. He said to me, “Why don’t you come to the pool? Come quickly!”

When Ben went to the swimming pool, he explained, “I don’t know how to swim!” In the evening, he was very hungry. Since his mother was not at home, he did not know how to cook.

He cried, “Sorry! Father, can you help me?” Suddenly, it became dark again and they could not see anything. Ben turned back as a child and his father back as a father.

Ben said, “Sorry, father! I love you!” And they lived happily ever after!

Once upon a time, there was a person called Ben. He was very angry and thought, “If I can be the father, I can hit my father!” because his father always hit him.

One day, when he go to the forest, he saw a small person flew in the sky happily. He said, “ It I can be the father, I could…” Suddenly, the small person said, “I can help you child!”

The sky became dark and could not saw anything. When Ben got up, he became a father and his father became his son. Ben was very happy and said, “I can hit my father!”

When He went back he saw a child sat in the chair. Suddenly, a man called Tom, he was Ben’s father friend. When his father worked in the swimming pool, they became friends. He said too me, “Why do you don’t come to the swimming pool? Quick come!”

When Ben went to the swimming pool, he said, “I don’t know how the swim!” In the evening, he was very hungry. Since his mother not at home, he could not know how to cook.

He cried and said, “Sorry! Father can you help me?” Suddenly, the sky became dark and could not see anything again. Ben became a child and his father became a father too.

Ben said, “Sorry father! I love you!”


Reversal 顛倒of Roles角色

Ø Father / son
Ø Teacher / student
Ø Owner / pet
Ø Policeman / thief
Ø Boy / girl
Ø Chef / food
Ø King, leader / servant
Ø Elephant / mouse
Ø Healthy person / Handicapped
Ø Rich man / beggar 乞丐

Ø Like fighting
Ø Don’t like shopping
Ø Sporty
Ø Less polite
Ø Brave
Ø Builder
Ø engineer

Ø Like shopping
Ø Take care of children
Ø Polite
Ø Gossipy (like to 傳播流言蜚語)
Ø Moody(喜怒無常的)
Ø Housewife
Ø Timid
Ø Kindergarten teacher
Ø Nurse

Special agent

A criminal called Wong Fai

Alex's Tour 1 - amended by Phyllis

“Good night, mum!” I said.

Suddenly, I see a creature which looks like a mobile phone. It runs quickly in the sky. I open the window and shout, “Why can you run in the sky?” But it does not say anything. “Oh no! I can run in the sky.” I say. There are many fruits that can speak and walk. I think, “What’s wrong?” When I am about to go back home and sleep for a while, a strong wind blows me away. I shout, “Help! Help!”

When I get up, I see a lot of fishes, rabbits, lions, dogs, cats and ants flying in the sky and talking happily. Suddenly, a cup shouts, “What are you doing?” I explain, “I am watching you!” She is angry and shouts, “You are not in our team! We need to catch you! Everyone, catch him!” And she runs with her family and friends after me. I run, run and run, and I see a giant, and he sees me too! He says, “Where do you come from? Why are you so short?’’ I am very frightened and run away quietly.

Suddenly, I see my mother flying in the sky and saying angrily, “Get up quickly! Do you want be late for school?”

I got up and went to school quickly. When I went to school, I saw a creature running in the sky. I thought, “What happened?"

~It is the end of Alex's tour1~
read the Alex's tour 2

Alex tour 1

“Good night, mum!” I said. Suddenly, I see a creature which looks like a mobile phone. It runs quickly in the sky. I open the window and shout, “Why can you run in the sky?” But it does not say anything. “Oh no! I can run in the sky.” I say. Many fruits that can speak and walk. I think, “What’s wrong?” When I want to go back home and sleep a time, a strong wind blows me away. I shout, “Help! Help!”

When I get up, I see I lot of special things, there are a lot of fish, rabbit, lion, dog, cat, ant… fly in the sky and they are talking happily. Suddenly, a cup shout, “What are you doing?” I explain, “I only see what do you doing!” She is angry and shouts, “You are not our team! We need to catch you! Everyone, we catch him!” and she run after with her family and friends. I run, run and run, and I see I big people, he see me too! He says, “Where are you come form? Why do you so shout?’’ I am very frighten and run away quietly.

Suddenly, I see my mother fly in the sky and said angry, “Quick get up, do you want to go to school late?”

I got up and went to school quickly. When I go to school, I saw creature run in the sky. I thought, “What' s happen?"

~It is the end of Alex's tour1~

read the Alex's tour 2