Part II THE FUTURE - amended by Phyllis

The car moved quickly and quickly. The picture was beautiful and had some beautiful flowers, trees and rivers in it. I was very tired and slept for about one day.

“What is happening, car?” I asked. The car said, “We are in the future!” Suddenly, a man called Tommy asked, “Have you seen a picture? It is beautiful with some beautiful flowers and rivers!” A robot said, “It is the picture in his hand!” I ran and ran quickly because I thought they were thieves wanting to get my picture. I saw many robots and people on the street, and they were shopping there.

When I tried to find my home, it was no longer there. I saw a school called All-knowing School. Afterwards, I sat on the chair and drank some water.

I saw that everyone had a robot and they together were shopping, playing, reading and sitting in high-tech cars.

Suddenly, I saw a newspaper on the ground which wrote that a boy would bring a picture from 2009. I saw Tommy again and gave the picture to him. I said, “Sorry! I didn’t know you are Emperor Qin’s descendant!” Tommy got the picture and gave a stamp to me as a gift and said, “It is from my mother!”

The car shouted, “We need to go back home, it is midnight in the present!”

I said, “Bye-bye, Tommy!” and went to the car quickly.
Hong Kong-New Mall Bay-KSR “King Shopping Road”
Zebra Wong
A robot called Johnny
A dog called Ben
My son called Law Chun Wim


1. he always mixes ARE up with A.
2. he always forgets the tense.
3. he always writes THERE HAVE.
4. he always forgets the comma (,) before the speech starts.
5. he always uses QUESTION incorrectly (he should use ASK).
6. he always spell SHOUT as SHOULD.
7. he always forgets how to read CHILD.
8. he always reads GIRL as “girlo”.
9. he always mixes VERB, ADJECTIVE, NOUN and ADVERB up.
10. he always mixes COME and GO up.

TIME MACHINE - amended by Phyllis


Today, when I went back home, I saw a car outside. Its name was “Dream Car”. I went into the car, but I did not know how to drive. So I only sat inside. Suddenly, the car started to move quickly, quickly, quickly and quickly. When the car stopped, I saw a man who wore an ancient costume. I asked, “Where am I?” He explained, “You are in China! I am a builder of the Great Wall. Where do you come from?” “I come from Hong Kong!” A soldier ordered, “Come back to build the Great Wall.” I went to there with the man.
The soldier shouted, “Child, come and work!” When I was tired, I sat there, but he ordered me to continue to work. So I took a gun from the car to kill him. The other soldiers caught me and took me to see Qin Shi Huang. Qin Shi Huang asked, “Who are you?” I said, “I am a special child, I can use a gun to kill you!” He was very worried and gave me a picture.
The car came and I went inside quickly. The car said, “You have taken this picture, and now you need to go to the future.”
Today, when I came back home, I saw a car near me home. It name was [Dream Car]. I came into the car, but I did not know how to drive. So I only sat inside. Suddenly, the car start to movement quick, quick, quick and quick. When the car stop, I saw a man, he wore a ancient costume. Iquestion,“Where am I ?”He explain, “You I in china! Where do you come from?” “I come from Hong Kong!”A soldier order “Come back to build the Great Wall. I come to the Great Wall with the man.

The soldier should, “Child come and work!” When I was tried, I sat there, but the soldier order me to continue to work. So I used the firearm to killed the soldier. The other soldier caught me and took me too saw the Qin Shi Huang. Qin Shi Huang ask, “Who a you?” I said “I am a special child, I can use a firearm to kill you!” He was very worried and give me I picture

The car came and I went inside quickly. The car said, “You take this picture, you need to go to unborn.


Time machine

The Great Wall

Enemy: Xiongnu
King: Qin Shi Huang

6,700 km

Time: Qin dynasty

Burn books
Bury alive scholars

Who u are
What did u see
Who will u meet
What did u do
How do u feel

A day in the life of Hans Christian Andersen - Amended by Phyllis

When Andersen was eleven, his father died. He went out on that day. Andersen played with other children and best friend happily. Suddenly, an angel said, “Your father is dying, quickly go back home!” He did not know what was going on, and he continued to play with other children. He told them a special story.

He said happily, “Once upon a time, there was a girl who didn’t have a name. Her mother loved her very much, but her father disliked her. Her mother died, and her father ordered her to work. If she could not earn money, she could not have food. On Christmas night, her father ordered her to work too. She needed to sell matches… I will stop here, I can’t think of the ending.”

Suddenly, his mother told him, “Your father is dying, you need to come back!” He was very worried and ran back home quickly.When he came back home, he saw his father sleeping in the bed. His mother cried, “Find a doctor quickly!” Andersen ran and ran and ran. When he passed by the park again, he saw his friends. But he had no time to play, and he ran away. So his friends started to dislike him and thought they would not play with him again.When he went to the clinic, he shouted, “My father is not feeling well, can you come, Doctor?” So, the doctor went after Andersen quickly. They needed to pass by the park again. His friends threw rubbish at him and shouted, “I don’t want you to join us!” Andersen was angry but he did not fight with them, and he and the doctor left quickly.

When they went back home, his mother cried, “Andersen, your father has died!” Andersen cried, went to his bedroom and slept quickly.