Jenny was a doctor who was work in Hong Kong Hospital. She did the job form 1998s. She always went to hospital everyday. Always she was not famous now, she was famous in 1998s. She was nineteen years old gone she started to be a doctor. There were not many girls be doctor in 1998s. Jenny was very bored to be a doctor at first. She went to the Sha Tin Hospital to be a nurse there at first. After few mouths, she was a doctor. She was very happy when she became a doctor.

When she became a doctor, there were many nurses disliked her too. Many doctor said she was scared blood and she was a coward in the hospital disliked her too. There were not girl be the doctor, because the girl looked like a coward. Many girls did not like to do the job which was bloody. But Jenny was very interested of it. Jenny was a heart disease doctor in there and now she was the hospital manager.

There was a difficult problem in 2003s. Atypical pneumonia visited Hong Kong, and many people died. Jenny became the doctor who needed to help the people who got the atypical pneumonia. At that time, there were many girls became doctor and helped many people. There was many girls’ doctor famous in 2003s. There was not which doctor disliked which doctor.

Jenny was very happy that time, her team was very hard and they helped many people too. One day, Jenny went to the Hospital at night. Suddenly, there were two people got the atypical pneumonia; Jenny’s partner helped the people quickly. Her partner did not wear any defense against chemical weapons clothes. After the two people safe, her partner got the atypical pneumonia. Jenny was very sad and thought she would die.

After few mouths, a doctor invented a medicine and helped her partner that day. Jenny was very happy and her partner became world health organization member too. After few days, Jenny became the Hong Kong Hospital manager. Jenny always helped other to turn good. She got the Good Citizen of the Year Award and she went to the UK next year, and she would be go there and be the doctor there. Jenny went to there and she will bring her family there too. She would live there fo

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