Female Doctor - amended

Jenny is a doctor who works in Hong Kong Hospital since 1998. She goes to the hospital every day. She is not famous now, but she was famous in 1998. She became a doctor when she was nineteen years old. There were not many female doctors at that time. Jenny thought her job was boring at first. She went to the Shatin Hospital to be a nurse at first. After a few months, she became a doctor. She was very happy.


But many nurses disliked her. Many doctors said she was a coward, because she was scared of blood. Many people in the hospital did not like her. There were no female doctors, because many people thought women were timid. Many girls did not like a job with blood. But Jenny was very interested in it. She was a heart disease doctor and now she was the chief surgeon.


There was a serious problem in 2003. SARS visited Hong Kong, and many people died. Jenny had to take care of SARS patients. At that time, there were many girls becoming doctors and helping many people. Many female doctors became famous in 2003. There was no more hatred in the hospital.


Jenny was very happy at that time, her team worked very hard and they helped a lot of people too. One day, Jenny was working in the hospital at night. Suddenly, two SARS patients were sent to the hospital; Jenny’s partner helped them quickly. Her partner did not wear any protection clothes. When the two patients got better, her partner had SARS. Jenny was very sad and thought she would die.


After a few months, a doctor invented some medicine and cured Jenny’s partner. Jenny was very happy and her partner became a World Health Organization member. After a few days, Jenny became the Hong Kong Hospital manager. Jenny cured a lot of patients. She got the Good Citizen of the Year Award and she went to the UK next year. She would still be a doctor and she will bring her family there. She would live there for a long time.

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