2121 underground city

When it was 2121, everyone lived in underground city. It was because 2073 had a big earthquake, and everywhere appeared some holes. The holes became the road and the street for the people to walk.

Many people used “Bar Kai” to be the transport. The invention was invented by Alex. When 2121, there were no one and where pool, everyone lived happily and rich. When Alex was small, he liked watched the car racing and always used his money to watched the live match. He liked car so he went to library and read some books about car.

When he was twenty-four years old, he invented a car that it could fly in the sky. Alex used four years to invent this car and he called it “Bar Kai” When it was 2121 he got the Nobel Prize. There were many people used the “Bar Kai” at 2121.

There were some sky shop and Alex always went there. Alex father was the shop boss. So Alex always went there and bought some food and snack to eat. When it was evening, there were many Bar Kai in the sky and much people went back home or bought foods. Some were not very fast, but some a very quick, look like his wife was waiting him.

At night, there were many birds sang song and flew in the sky. After the bird song, everyone had there dinner. And after dinner, there were many people sporting in the sky park. Sky Park was on top of the underground city and there were a small car match there. Alex went there every night and when he was thirty-one years old, he married a girl and she was called Candy. Candy born a boy, called Tom. Tom liked drive the car in the car match and he always joined it.

When the underground city was manypeople, there were forty-five teams to build building and all the police will be so hard to do anything, because they need to find the criminal not easily. The city were not many case, because anyone was not pool and rich. There were not war there and anyone lived there happily. The hospital facilities were very newly and all the ill could treat and everyone was very well.

Alex never wanted to die, because he could join this paradise happily and he could invented other new things and enjoyed this world.

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