The Adventures of Catherine - amended by Phyllis

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Catherine. She was a bad girl and everyone disliked her, so she did not have any friends.

One day, when she went to school, she saw a blind woman crossing a road. Catherine kicked the woman and the woman was hurt. The blind woman was angry and shouted, “Do you know who I am?” “I think you are a blind idiot!” Catherine yelled. “I am a magician! I think you should have a taste of what it’s like to be blind!” the woman shouted again. Suddenly, Catherine could not see anything. “Help! Help! What is happening? I am very scared!” Catherine cried. She did not know where she was because she could not see anything. The magician said, "If there are other people liking you, you can see again!"

From then on, she always gave poor people money. Her friends knew she has become good, so she had many friends. One day, when Catherine played with her friends happily, she saw the magician again. The magician said, "You can see now, don’t be a bad girl! Bye!" So everyone on earth knew this girl -- Catherine.

Then, she worked hard and became a wealthy person. She always went to poor countries and helped poor children to go to school.

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