A sad wedding

28th December, 2008 cold and cloudy
Yesterday was a good and bad day for me. My cousin married his girlfriend, but the bride could not marry happily.

We were late to the wedding. But we could see them kiss, exchange rings and drink tea. Then, I played NDs for about one hour because my cousin wanted me to help her with the ‘Super Mario’ game. She was not good at it.

At 7pm, there was a lot of delicious food. There were crispy chicken, prawn and scallop, shark’s fin, fish, etc. My uncle drank a lot of wine and beer too. After we had dinner, we took photos with the bride and groom. When many relatives went back home, my cousin needed to get the bill. My uncle shouted at the manager, “This dinner wasn’t good, the fish was small and there were only two prawns for each table! No need to pay you $317,900!” And he swore at the manager. Suddenly, the groom’s mother shouted to the bride, “Why did you choose this place? You are not good!” So the bride cried.

Why did they need to quarrel? Why couldn’t the bride marry happily?


The Adventures of Catherine - amended by Phyllis

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Catherine. She was a bad girl and everyone disliked her, so she did not have any friends.

One day, when she went to school, she saw a blind woman crossing a road. Catherine kicked the woman and the woman was hurt. The blind woman was angry and shouted, “Do you know who I am?” “I think you are a blind idiot!” Catherine yelled. “I am a magician! I think you should have a taste of what it’s like to be blind!” the woman shouted again. Suddenly, Catherine could not see anything. “Help! Help! What is happening? I am very scared!” Catherine cried. She did not know where she was because she could not see anything. The magician said, "If there are other people liking you, you can see again!"

From then on, she always gave poor people money. Her friends knew she has become good, so she had many friends. One day, when Catherine played with her friends happily, she saw the magician again. The magician said, "You can see now, don’t be a bad girl! Bye!" So everyone on earth knew this girl -- Catherine.

Then, she worked hard and became a wealthy person. She always went to poor countries and helped poor children to go to school.


First Draft - STORY about blindness

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Catherine. She was a bad girl and everyone disliked her, so she did not have any friends. One day, when she went to school, she saw a blind woman was cross a road. Catherine kicked the woman and the woman hurt herself. The blind woman was angry and shouted, “Do you know who I am?” “I thing you are blind stupid!” Catherine exclaim. “I am a magician! I think you need to blind.” The woman shouted angina. Suddenly, Catherine can’t saw anything. “Help! Help! What is happening? I am very scared!”, Catherine cried.She did not know where she was. because she could not see anything. The magician said, "If the other people like you, then you can see angian!"
From then on, she always gave the other pool people much money, and her friends know she became good, so she had many friend.One day, when Catherine played with her happily, suddenly she saw a magician angina. The magician said, "You can see now, don’t be bad girls! Bye! Bye!"So all the people in the earth knew this girl-Catherine.
Then, she worked hard and became a wealthy people. She always went to pool country and helped the pool children to go to school.


If you a blind
Bad things
Ø Every day will be scary
Ø Can’t another people(can’t see the face)
Ø Can’t tell who is who
Ø Can’t cross the road
Ø Every thing is dark
Ø Can’t play the computer games
Ø Can’t read the book
Ø May always hurt yourself(throw in the sea, neat to bring a cane)
Ø Can’t watch TV
Ø You may not remember the faces
Ø Can’t live happily

Good things

You don’t need to go to school
Many people care about you
Always sit on the wheelchair
Have many people to help you
Imagine that you have lost one of the 5 senses all of the sudden one day:
  • sight (seeing) -- eyes
  • hearing -- ears
  • tasting -- tongue
  • touch -- skin
  • smelling -- nose

Think of how your life will be changed.


Oral presentation


ORAL PRESENTATION for 8-10 minutes.

Think about:
  • is the father a liar (someone who tells lies)?
  • why does the father always make up stories about himself?
  • what does the son learn at the end?


  1. watch the film and jot notes if needed.
  2. write a script in point form.
  3. practice at least once with the script in hand. make sure you time yourself.
  4. edit the script if it's too long / short / hard to understand.


  1. Eye contact is important. you are talking to me, not reading to me.
  2. you don't have to tell me the story - i have already watched the film 3 times. just answer the questions.
  3. make sure that you have an introduction and a conclusion.
  4. be prepared to answer my questions.

ABCman's adventures

There was a typhoon coming to Hong Kong at midnight. Everyone was preparing for it. Harry Potter’s family was hard- working so they had no time to prepare for the typhoon.

Suddenly, a man called ABCman flew in the sky. He shouted, “I ought to help the people, the typhoon is so big!” He used a weapon called “A” to make the typhoon stop, then he used another weapon called “B” to push the typhoon out of the world. Finally, he used weapon “C” to make it disappear in the sky. He had power like Superman’s but Superman was sleeping at that time.

A reporter ran after ABCman and asked, “Hi! What’s your name?” When ABCman wanted to answer, Superman appeared and said, “Don’t answer!” Then, ABCman went back home. When he was back home, Harry Potter saw him and said, “Hi! I am Harry Potter!” ABCman said, “What happened?” “Five witches are in the school near Ocean Park.” “Okay! I will kill them next Saturday.”
-----------Next Saturday----------
The five witches had nothing to do and went to Ocean Park. ABCman went there too. He ran after them. The witches knew he was after them and they turned him into a frog. Superman knew this, and he helped ABCman to become a man again. The witches were so sad, because they were ordered by Harry Potter to kill ABCman.
Finally, ABCman and Superman used a “super-weapon” called “D” to kill Harry Potter. From then on, ABCman did not go out because there was no more crime in Hong Kong.