Write a story about an injury 受傷. (400 words)

  • experience 經歷
  • accident 意外

Clever Cheater

Today was my birthday, my wife and I went to a museum. The museum looked like the UFO. When we went inside, we saw many curios; there were some vase and some far back in history’s data. I thought it was a museum about far back in history’s China. I was a FBI came form the USA. It was my first time to go to China. My wife was a FBI too. We needed to find a cheater, Tommy, he was an international wanted persons. After we visited the museum, we found a snack shop in the museum. When we went to the shop, we heard some glass’s voice. I went there and saw a peace protection.


The peace protection looked like Tommy; Tommy always went to museum and stole some curios. When I went after him, he used a knife and point to a girl’s heart. I wanted to help the girl, but the girl did not have any power of resistance. So I could not do anything. When Tommy and the girl, they drove a car and left there. I was very worried the girl. When some policemen came to here, a policeman came to there and count how many products disappeared. There were only four curios disappeared, but it was value $309600000. It was not so expensive, but it was very rare in China.


My wife and I went back our hotel first; we did not have any outline. It was very difficult; we used our computer and found some data about the museum. There were many peace protections. When we found a peace protection, we saw the girl. The girl was called Jenny. She was a cheater too. After few minutes, we heard Jenny got safe, and she went travel by the airplane. Jenny would go to the USA, she was a cheater, and Tommy was her partners. We called the FBI members in the USA and caught her in the airplane of the USA.


Tommy went to Hong Kong by boat and he drove an airplane back to Hong Kong. Although he did not know how to drive the airplane, he always played a computer game about airplane. When he went back the USA, he heard her partner had caught by the police. He was very worried her, so he pass oneself off as a policeman and he release her partners. Then, we went back the USA quickly.


Although Tommy and Jenny pass oneself off as many job, but my wife caught them in the UK! I thought Tommy and Jenny were very clever, if they became the FBI, they would be famous! The four curios found and the curios would back to the museum.


Tell a story about lying or cheating. --- FOR THE SUNDAY CLASS
(400 words)

  • cheater 騙子
  • flamingo 紅鶴

The Chicken and the Egg: Ancient Mystery Solved?

REUTERS/Jamal Saidi

Philosophers and fertility experts can rest easy as the age-old question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” finally has an answer: The chicken.

The research comes from British scientists out of Sheffield and Warwick universities. It all boils down to one protein—ovocledidin-17 (OC-17)—that is only found inside a chicken's ovaries, and is essential for eggshell formation.

Although the protein has been studied as part of eggshell development before, researchers used a super computer to ‘zoom-in' while a shell was forming, and found that it actually serves as a catalyst. Sheffield Professor John Harding hopes that this will aid in designing new materials.

Well, that's one mystery solved. But still no word yet on the meaning of life.


My Last Special Agent Job - amended

Sam and I went to the UK. We were special agents who came from Russia. We needed to go to the UK and find some information. We needed to help another four special agents. My special agent number was 3947. Sam was my partner and his number was 5219. Today, we went back to Russia and brought some data to the UK. Sam traveled by another airplane, and I traveled by an airplane in London and needed to change my flight.


When I went to Yukon, Canada and went on another airplane. We met in the Barnaul Airport in Russia. We met the Russian president at his office. His assistant negotiated with the USA’s representatives. Then, we met with Russia Special Agent head. He gave us a new mission. We found four military information in the UK. Sam and I joined the Russian Special Agent Team. It was very famous in Russia.


We went to the UK with another 30 people. They were all special agents. There were 5678 members in Special Agent Team. Some were in China, some were in Japan and some were in the UK and USA. They were all elites and geniuses. Our team was divided into four teams. There were eight members in one team. Our team needed to find the UK navy headquarters in the North Atlantic Ocean. The navy headquarters was next to the Clifden. They were hard to find and the guard was very stern.


Sam and I stayed in a house which was near the UK navy headquarters. Other six members were trying to go inside. We were very worried, because other three teams got the military information. Now we were the slowest. One day, three members in our team were arrested by the police in the UK. The Russian Special Agent head found eight other members to help us. After one month, we got the military information.


When we went back to Russia, I read from the newspaper that the arrested special agents would get life imprisonment. They would be very bored. The UK government said, “There were 32 Russian special agents stealing our military information!” They wanted to arrest us. The Russian President found an airplane and helped us to flee to another place. Sam and I went to South Africa and watched the World Cup. We were Argentina’s fans, but it had lost to Germany.


After the football match, we would go to China and live there too. It was because things were not very expensive there. I thought our special agent job would stop for a long time!

My Last Military Intelligence

Sam and I went to the UK quickly. We were the special agent came from Russia. We needed to go to the UK and found some intelligence. We needed to help another four special agent. My special agent No. was 3947. Sam was my partner and he was special agent No. was 5219. Today, we went back Russia and brought some data to UK. Sam traveled another airplane, and I traveled an airplane in London and needed to favorable turn.


When I went to Yukon from Canada and traveled another airplane there. We met in the Barnaul Airport from Russia. We went to presidential palace and met president there. His assistant negotiations with the USA’s representative. Then, we interviewed Russia Special Agent’s chairman. We got a new assignment from him, it was about found four military intelligences form the UK. Sam and I joined the 7794 Special Agent Team. It was very famous in Russia.


We went to the UK with another 32 people. They were all special agent. 7794 Special Agent Team had 5678 member. Some were in China, some were in Japan and some were in the UK and USA. All were the elite and prodigy. Our team would into four teams. There were eight people in one team. Our team needed to found the UK navy headquarters in the North Atlantic Ocean. The navy headquarters was next to the Clifden. It was the hard things to do and the guard was very stern.


Sam and I stayed in a house which was near the UK navy headquarters. Other six member were try to went to inside. We were very worried, because other three teams got the military intelligences. And now the slowly one was us. One day, three members in our team had caught by the police in the UK. We Russia Special Agent’s chairman found eight other members to help us. After one month, we got the military intelligence.


When we went back the Russia, I read a report and heard the special agent who were our team member got the life imprisonment. It was very bored of them. The UK said, “There were 32 Russia’s special agent stole there military information. They were catching us. President found an airplane and helped us to go to another place. Sam and I went to South Africa and watched the World Cup. We were the Argentina’s fans, but it lost by Germany.


After the football match, we would go to China and live there too. It was because the things were not very expensive. I thought our special agent job would stop a long time!


Write a story of 430 words about changing of identity.

Words you may use:

  • dye the hair 染髮
  • have a cosmetic surgery 整容
  • have a transexual surgery 做變性手術
  • special agent 特務
  • witness 證人
  • South Africa 南非
  • World Cup世界杯
  • Argentina 阿根廷
  • Germany 德國
  • football fans 足球迷

A World-famous Invention - amended

“How are you? Nice to meet you!” I said. “You are…oh you are the inventor! Where are you going now?” “I am going to my laboratory to do some experiments!”

“Hi, my name is Alex; I am an inventor who wants to invent something we can always use!” I said. Suddenly, someone ran after me! I was very scared and went back to my laboratory quickly. When I got back to the laboratory, I started my experimentation. I needed to find many things, so I worked hard there. It was very difficult.


I had an assistant, Alan. He always helped me to find some materials for experiments. I always invented something will him and we needed to do many experiments. We invented many products, like a helicopter that did not need any fuel. We only need to put some liquid into the helicopter to drop the atmospheric pressure. Next, we used some water to mix with the liquid. Water’s density is lower than the liquid, so it will fly in the sky. Lastly, we added a rudder and other helicopter parts.


Many producers wanted to buy the sketch of our invention, and wanted to get some money from it. After Alan and I published this invention, there were many reports about me on TV and in the Internet. I became famous around the world. After selling the invention sketch, Alan and I got three hundred million euro. We were very amazed because we got a lot of money.

After a few mouths, the producer made many helicopters and they gave us one. Many people bought them, because the cost was not high, so the price was not high too. The customers felt they were very convenient.


After one mouth, we got the Nobel Prize. We invented this helicopter because we wanted to help the world. The helicopter would not pollute the environment. We got twenty-five prizes for environmental protection.


Our invention became the number six world invention. The number one invention was the x-ray machine which was used in all hospitals. Our helicopter was very popular in the market too. It was not easy to be popular in a market. Although we got a lot of money and prizes, and we continued our work and we made a lot of other inventions.

Famous in the Market

“How are you? Likes to meet you!” I said. “You are…oh you are the inventor! Where are you going now?” “I am going to my laboratory and do some experimentation!”

“Hi, my name is Alex; I am an inventor about a sell’s things and wants to invent something that we can always use it in the market!” I said. What happen, someone ran after me! I was very scared and went back my laboratory quickly. After back the laboratory, I started my experimentation. I needed to find many things, so I work hard there. It was very hard to do it.


I had a helper, he was Alan. He always helped me to find some stuffs for do experimentation. I always invented some thing will him and we do many experimentation do done an invention. We invent many products, like a. The helicopter could fly in the sky, but no need to add any fuel. We only use some matter and put it in a helicopter to make the atmospheric pressure drop off. Next used some water to mix some water, water’s density lower than the matter some it will fly in the sky and than, add a rudder and than add some plain helicopter’s stuff.


Many producers wanted to get our invention sketch, and wanted to get some money in this invention. After Alan and I publish this invention, many report about on TV and online. I became famous in the world. After I sell the invention sketch, Alan and I got three hundred millions. We were very amazed because we got much money.

After few mouths, the producer held many helicopter and they gave us one. After done the helicopter, many people bought, it was because the cost not high, so the price not high too. Someone drive the helicopter and felt is was very convenient.


After one mouths, we got the Nobel Prize, we invent this helicopter and wanted to help the world. The helicopter did not have any contamination things and it was very environmental protection. So we got the prize about environmental protection. We got twenty-five prizes about environmental protection and invent.


Our invention became the rank six of the world invent. The first was x-ray machine it was very famous in hospital. Our helicopter was very famous in the market too. It was not easy to be famous in a market. Although we got much money and many prizes, we will continue our job and invented a lot of inventions for the people and the market. I needed to do my job see you next time, bye!