“Hi My name is Peter. There had traffic unexpected in the Tai Koo. There was a child called Joelle. She lost her hand and she had a big shadow of child. She was very scared and did not know why she needed to be a person and why she needed to live in the world! DDTV Peter reported!”

Joelle needed to live in the hospital about two mouths. She only wanted to eat some bread and drink some milk. One day, a doctor called Mr. Wong. He was a famous doctor and he could change person’s memory. He was a conjurer, he had two apprentice and they were Jacky and Ben. When the doctor asked to Joelle, she pushed the doctor and shouted, “What is your name and why do you come in?” The doctor said, “My name is Mr. Wong, I was a conjurer and My College was King Road Magic College! This school was in the magic world. If you want to become right! You need to remember you thing that you don’t want to heart!”

Then the doctor said the charm and Joelle disappear into the world. It was because the doctor said the wrong charm. Joelle stay into the magic world if she wanted to go back the world, she needed to done all the magic, She needed to learn the magic things if she can pass all the magic test, she could become a conjurer and went back to the world of people.

She learned how to become an animals and how to make other people and conjurer be the animals. She could use the piassava to fly in the sky and she could use some charm to make people lost there memory. When she was past all the test of magic, she could go back to the world of people. When she opened her eyes, she was sleep in the bed of hospital. She saw the doctor again too.

The doctor asked, “What memories do you wanted to delete?” She said, “I don’t want to delete anymore, thank you your idea and you took me to the magic of the world!” Then, she word hard and she was very active to see the world. Her father and mother felt she was not Joelle and she was the new Helen Adams Keller.

After she grow up, she became a famous writer and she wrote forty- five story books too.

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